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孩子們I 巴哈:無伴奏大提琴組曲與其他作曲家做品中提琴改編版 戶川日和 中提琴 多肯 鋼琴 Hiyoli Togawa / Children! (BIS)

一次付清特價 630
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戶川日和 中提琴
琪薇莉.德肯 鋼琴
阿列克謝.格拉斯梅茲 打擊樂

Hiyoli Togawa, viola With Kiveli Dorken, piano and Alexej Gerassimez, percussion

After Songs of Solitude (BIS-2553), a project designed by Hiyoli Togawa at a time when Covid forced people across the world into isolation (released in March 2021), the Japanese-Australian violist now presents another themed album focusing on the situation of children. During the pandemic, she kept thinking of the many children who do not have a loving home and were forced to stay at home, and so were exposed helplessly to violence, hunger and poverty.

As with her previous disc, she commissioned works on the theme of childhood from composers around the world. Thirteen of them, from Europe, Asia, North America and Australia, answered the call and embarked on a journey into childhood. The result is a collection of lullabies, childhood memories and adventures. Playful, wild, silent, funny, serious or dreamy, these works are musical pleas for the rights of children around the world. Hiyoli Togawa combines them with the Allemandes from Johann Sebastian Bach's Six Suites for solo cello. Each of these Allemandes presents a new character, opening a very special dance universe. They invite us to surrender ourselves to the genuine and undisguised joy of playing and perhaps, almost, to lose ourselves in it – to find ourselves.

1.HOSOKAWA, Toshio (b. 1955)
Komori-Uta (Lullaby of Itsuki) for solo viola (2021) (Schott Music) 3''39
2.BACH, Johann Sebastian (1685—1750)
Allemande from Cello Suite No. 3 in C major, BWV 1009 3''33
3.DODERER, Johanna (b. 1969)
The little bird for viola and piano (2021) (Manuscript) 2''16
4.RAZAZ, Gity (b. 1986)
The Golden Bee for solo viola (2022) (Jinous Press) 2''55
5.LILL, Mart-Matis (b. 1975)
Lullaby for viola and piano (2022) (Estonian Music Information Centre) 6''06
6.BACH, Johann Sebastian
Allemande from Cello Suite No. 1 in G major, BWV 1007 4''04
7.GYGER, Elliott (b. 1968)
Chanting for viola and piano (2021) (Manuscript) 3''08
8.OSHIMA, Michiru (b. 1961)
Flower for viola and piano (2022) (Manuscript) 2''47
9.BACH, Johann Sebastian
Allemande from Cello Suite No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1008 2''58
10.P OV OLOTSKY, Yuri (b. 1962)
Here Comes a Swallow for viola and piano (2022) (Manuscript) 4''43
11.AHO, Kalevi (b. 1949)
Nuku, lapsoseni for viola and piano (2021) (Fennica Gehrman) 2''47
12.BACH, Johann Sebastian
Allemande from Cello Suite No. 5 in C minor, BWV 1011 5''50
13.GARDELLA, Federico (b. 1979)
Wiegenlied for viola and toy piano (2021) (Edizioni Suvini Zerboni — SugarMusic S.p.A) 3''45
14.ROTARU, Diana (b. 1981)
Co(ho)quet(us) reMix for solo viola (2021) (Manuscript) 5''26
15.BACH, Johann Sebastian
Allemande from Cello Suite No. 4 in E flat major, BWV 1010 3''53
16.BUFFA, Ivan (b. 1979)
To The Unknown Voice for viola and piano (2021) (Manuscript) 4''08
17.WANG, Lu (b. 1982)
Sparrows and Puffins for solo viola (2022) (Wang Lu Music) 2''07
18.BACH, Johann Sebastian
Allemande from Cello Suite No. 6 in D major, BWV 1012 7''11
19.ERASSIMEZ, Alexej (b. 1987)
Lullaby of Itsuki for viola and handpan (2022) (Alexej Gerassimez Music) 3''47
TT: 77''45
Hiyoli Togawa viola
Kiveli Dorken piano · Alexej Gerassimez percussion#AN#


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