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SACD2595 變成塵埃 英文歌曲獨唱會 詹姆斯.紐比 男中音 喬瑟夫.米道頓 鋼琴 James Newby / Fallen to Dust-English Song Recital (BIS)

SACD2595 變成塵埃 英文歌曲獨唱會 詹姆斯.紐比 男中音 喬瑟夫.米道頓 鋼琴 James Newby / Fallen to Dust-English Song Recital (BIS)
**專輯類型: 1SACD
**發行年份: 2023
** 7318599925950
建議售價 $660
一次付清特價 95 折 630
3 每期$219 接受25家銀行
6 每期$110 接受25家銀行
12 每期$58 接受25家銀行
15 每期$47 接受6家銀行
24 每期$30 接受13家銀行
信用卡紅利折抵刷卡金 ( 接受17家銀行紅利折抵辦法 )
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運  費單店購物車滿 2000 元(含)以上免運費,未滿者自付運費
宅配 88
郵局 88
7-11取貨付款 88
全家取貨付款 88
萊爾富取貨付款 60
商品所在地 台北市
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變成塵埃 英文歌曲獨唱會
詹姆斯.紐比 男中音
喬瑟夫.米道頓 鋼琴

James Newby wished to dedicate his second disc on BIS to his sister Laura who passed away in 2015, her daughter and his mother. After singing Gerald Finzi's 'Fear no more the heat o' the sun' at her funeral, he felt it fitting that the cycle from which it is taken, Let us Garlands Bring, would form the centrepiece of the programme. Alongside this cycle, pianist Joseph Middleton and Newby have designed a programme of English songs that reflect on themes of loss, grief and death – but also joy, love and healing with varying styles, sound worlds and atmospheres.

George Butterworth, Rebecca Clarke, Edward Elgar, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Benjamin Britten, Liza Lehmann and Errollyn Wallen are just some of the composers who complete the programme, including Arthur Somervell with his cycle 'A Shropshire Lad'. Like Heinrich Heine's poems that Schumann used for his famous cycle Dichterliebe, these poems by Alfred Edward Housman deal with unrequited love in first person lyrics. This disc ends on a lighter note with the whimsical song, 'The Green-eyed Dragon' by Wolseley Charles, which often concludes live performances as an encore.

Jonathan Dove
01 All You Who Sleep Tonight 2''04

George Butterworth
02 Requiescat 3''14

Rebecca Clarke
03 The Seal Man 5''20

Gerald Finzi
04 The Clock of the Years 5''01

Let Us Garlands Bring 14''45
05 I. Come away, come away, death 3''27
06 II. Who is Silvia? 1''32
07 III. Fear no more the heat o'' the sun 5''15
08 IV. O Mistress Mine 1''52
09 V. It was a lover and his lass 2''39

10 The Three Ravens 3''52

Ivor Gurney
11 By a Bierside 4''19

Sir Edward Elgar
12 Pleading 2''52

Ralph Vaughan Williams
13 The Sky above the Roof 2''52

Arthur Somervell
A Shropshire Lad 22''04
14 I. Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry now 2''13
15 II. When I was one-and-twenty 1''07
16 III. There pass the careless people 1''33
17 IV. In summer-time on Bredon 3''07
18 V. The Street sounds to the Soldiers'' tread 1''59
19 VI. On the idle hill of Summer 2''33
20 VII. White in the moon the long road lies 3''17
21 VIII. Think no more, Lad, laugh, be jolly 1''38
22 IX. Into my Heart an Air that kills 2''02
23 X. The Lads in their hundreds 2''35

Charles Dibdin
24 Tom Bowling 4''31

Ivor Gurney
25 Dearest, when I am dead 1''43

Liza Lehmann
26 Henry King 2''54

Errollyn Wallen
27 About Here 4''44

Wolseley Charles
28 The Green-Eyed Dragon 4''19

Album total 84''47



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