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SU4313 易沙意:六首無伴奏小提琴奏鳴曲 丹尼爾.馬泰查 小提琴 Daniel Matejca / Ysaye: Six Sonatas For Solo Violin (Supraphon)

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易沙意: 六首小提琴無伴奏奏鳴曲
丹尼爾.馬泰查 小提琴

Daniel Matejca – violin
Recorded at the Domovina Studio, Prague, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 28 April 2022 and 17 January 2023.

“The artist's first task is to forget himself.” This statement, bold in its time, has been ascribed to Eugene Ysaye, referred to as the “King of the Violin”, who as a composer and performer considerably contributed to the modernisation of violin playing. In 1923, he was so deeply impressed by J. S. Bach’s Violin Sonata No. 1 in G minor, BWV 1001, as performed by Joseph Szigeti, that within a few hours (!) he sketched a set of six sonatas as a counterpart to Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas, BWV 1001-1006. Ysaye dedicated each of his sonatas to a superb contemporary violinist, tailoring it to his style. Technically reaching the limits of the instrument, the pieces placed enormous requirements on the dedicatees (Szigeti, Thibaud, Enescu, Kreisler, Crickboom, Quiroga), yet they remain challenging for the violinists of today. One hundred years after Ysaye created the set of six sonatas, this formidable task has been undertaken by the outstanding young Czech virtuoso Daniel Matejca, the winner of the Eurovision Young Musicians competition (2022), Telemann Violin Competition (Poznan 2020) and Jugend musiziert (Halle 2019). Matejca studied with such distinguished violinists as Boris Belkin and Christian Tetzlaff, and, after collaborating to acclaim with the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra, has been invited to perform with other renowned orchestras. Supraphon has shifted the 100-year-old concept to the 21st century and commissioned a composition that would reflect Ysaye’s sonatas, as well as young violinists’ musicality and virtuosity. Jana Vorosova’s Obsession II is both answer and challenge. Ysaye’s sonatas – a cherished challenge for the young virtuoso Daniel Matejca

EUGENE YSAYE (1858–1931)
Sonata for solo violin in G minor, Op. 27 No. 1
1/ I. Grave. Lento assai
2/ II. Fugato. Molto moderato
3/ III. Allegro poco scherzoso. Amabile
4/ IV. Finale con brio. Allegro fermo
Sonata for solo violin in A minor, Op. 27 No. 2
5/ I. Prelude "Obsession". Poco vivace
6/ II. Malinconia. Poco lento
7/ III. Sarabende "Danse des ombres". Lento
8/ IV. Les Furies. Allegro furioso
Sonata for solo violin in D minor, Op. 27 No. 3, "Ballade"
9/ I. Lento molto sostenuto – Allegro in tempo giusto e con bravura
Sonata for solo violin in E minor, Op. 27 No. 4
10/ I. Allemande. Lento maestoso
11/ II. Sarabande. Quasi lento
12/ III. Finale. Presto ma non troppo
Sonata for solo violin in G major, Op. 27 No. 5
13/ I. L''Aurore. Lento assai
14/ II. Danse rustique. Allegro giocoso molto moderato
Sonata for solo violin in E major, Op. 27 No. 6
15/ Allegro giusto non troppo vivo#AN#


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