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SACD2514 舒伯特: 交響曲全集 湯瑪斯.道斯葛 指揮 瑞典室內管弦樂團 Thomas Dausgaard / Schubert: The Symphonies (BIS)

** 4*SACD
**發行年份: 2022
建議售價 $1860
一次付清特價 95 折 1770
3 每期$615 接受25家銀行
6 每期$309 接受25家銀行
12 每期$162 接受25家銀行
15 每期$131 接受6家銀行
24 每期$83 接受13家銀行
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(4*SACD)舒伯特: 交響曲全集 / (魔法豎琴) 序曲

湯瑪斯.道斯葛 指揮

It was only after his death that Franz Schubert's symphonic works made an impact in music history. In fact, the first public performance of any of Schubert's symphonies took place at a memorial concert held a few weeks after the composer had passed away, on 19th November 1828. The work that was heard at that occasion was Symphony No.6, D589, the 'Little C major', while the two undisputed master works of the series – the 'Great C major' and the 'Unfinished' – had to wait until 1838 and 1865, respectively, before being performed.

The six symphonies that precede them in the list of completed works were all composed between 1813 and 1818, while Schubert was still only 21 years of age. In a style above all oriented on Haydn and Mozart, they are youthful in the best sense of the word and display a disarming freshness which the present performances convey to perfection. The four discs gathered here were released singly between 2010 and 2014, receiving critical acclaim in the international music press: the reviewer in The Daily Telegraph (UK) described the experience as 'having a layer of varnish removed from a much-loved painting' while his colleague in Fanfare wrote that the approach by Thomas Dausgaard and the Swedish Chamber Orchestra 'changes the landscape', proposing that the cycle 'could become a first choice among any available.' The set also include some shorter orchestral works, among them the much-loved Rosamunde Overture.

track list:

Disc 1

Franz Schubert
Symphony No.1 in D major, D 82 27''37
01 I. Adagio - Allegro vivace 10''52
02 II. Andante 6''43
03 III. Menuetto. Allegretto 4''06
04 IV. Allegro vivace 5''56

05 Funeral March from Adrast, D 137 4''34

Symphony No.2 in B flat major, D 125 34''01
06 I. Largo - Allegro vivace 14''12
07 II. Andante 8''26
08 III. Menuetto. Allegro vivace 3''00
09 IV. Presto vivace 8''23

10 Die Zauberharfe (Rosamunde Overture, to the magic play by Georg von Hofmann), D 644 10''23

Disc 2
Symphony No.3 in D major, D 200 23''14
01 I. Adagio maestoso - Allegro con brio 8''36
02 II. Allegretto 4''11
03 III. Menuetto. Vivace 3''49
04 IV. Presto vivace 6''38

Symphony No.4 in C minor (Tragic), D 417 29''38
05 I. Adagio molto - Allegro vivace 8''50
06 II. Andante 7''31
07 III. Menuetto. Allegro vivace 2''51
08 IV. Allegro 10''26

Symphony No.5 in B flat major, D 485 28''00
09 I. Allegro 6''27
10 II. Andante con moto 8''54
11 III. Menuetto. Allegro molto 4''28
12 IV. Allegro vivace 8''11

Disc 3
Symphony No.6 in C major (Little C major), D 589 30''30
01 I. Adagio - Allegro 9''08
02 II. Andante 6''12
03 III. Scherzo. Presto - Trio. Piu lento 6''09
04 IV. Allegro moderato 9''01

Rosamunde (incidental music), D 797 32''12
05 Entr''acte No.1 in B minor. Allegro molto moderato 7''50
06 Entr''acte No.3 in B flat major. Andantino 6''30
07 Entr''acte No.2 in D major. Andante 2''59
08 Ballet Music No.2 in G major. Andantino 7''12
09 Ballet Music No.1 in B minor/G major. Allegro moderato - Andante un poco assai 7''41

Disc 4
Symphony No.8 in B minor (Unfinished), D 759 20''46
01 I. Allegro moderato 11''13
02 II. Andante con moto 9''33

Symphony No.9 in C major (Great), D 944 58''29
03 I. Andante - Allegro ma non troppo 14''48
04 II. Andante con moto 14''02
05 III. Scherzo. Allegro vivace 13''48
06 IV. Finale. Allegro vivace 15''51

Album total 299''40

Swedish Chamber Orchestra, Thomas Dausgaard#AN#


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