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泰勒曼:12首無伴奏小提琴幻想曲 伊蓮·烏澤爾 小提琴 Houzel/Telemann:12 Fantasias for Violin without Bass

一次付清特價 590
3 每期$205 接受25家銀行
6 每期$103 接受25家銀行
12 每期$54 接受25家銀行
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伊蓮·烏澤爾 小提琴

Telemann's fantasias for the violin were published in 1735 in Hamburg amid a proliferation of similar works published between 1732 and 1735: 12 fantasias for the flute, 12 for the viol, 36 for the harpsichord... Even for a composer as prolific as Telemann, 72 fantasias in 4 years is impressive!

While the flute fantasias have often been played and recorded, the violin fantasias have been overshadowed, suffering no doubt from their proximity to J.S. Bach's sonatas and partitas. Some have considered them minor works, simple, regarding them with a hint of contempt... music for conservatory students.

Yet their modesty is not indigence, nor their levity poverty. These short works (between 5 and 8 minutes long) are highly effective. They are so varied that it seems difficult to find the general principles of composition, as much in terms of form as of key. Diversity and freedom seem to have been Telemann's only guides. The 12 fantasias feature 10 different keys ranging from F minor to E major, that is from 4 flats to 4 sharps: It is almost impossible to create more tonal colours over an entire cycle!

1 Fantasia No.1 in B-dur Largo 02:29
2 Fantasia No.1 in B-dur Allegro 01:50
3 Fantasia No.1 in B-dur Grave 01:19
4 Fantasia No.1 in B-dur Allegro 01:56
5 Fantasia No.2 in G-dur Largo 01:53
6 Fantasia No.2 in G-dur Allegro 02:19
7 Fantasia No.2 in G-dur Allegro 43
8 Fantasia No.3 in F-moll Adagio 01:58
9 Fantasia No.3 in F-moll Presto - Grave 02:01
10 Fantasia No.3 in F-moll Vivace 01:00
11 Fantasia No. 4 in D-dur Vivace 01:47
12 Fantasia No. 4 in D-dur Grave 51
13 Fantasia No. 4 in D-dur Allegro 02:19
14 Fantasia No.5 in A-dur Allegro-Presto-Allegro-Presto 02:14
15 Fantasia No.5 in A-dur Andante 44
16 Fantasia No.5 in A-dur Allegro 02:19
17 Fantasia No.6 in E-moll Grave 02:22
18 Fantasia No.6 in E-moll Presto 01:43
19 Fantasia No.6 in E-moll Siciliana 01:28
20 Fantasia No.6 in E-moll Allegro 02:23
21 Fantasia VII in Es-dur Dolce 01:51
22 Fantasia VII in Es-dur Allegro 03:14
23 Fantasia VII in Es-dur Largo 01:50
24 Fantasia VII in Es-dur Presto 58
25 Fantasia VIII in E-dur Piacevolmente 01:28
26 Fantasia VIII in E-dur Spirituoso 02:42
27 Fantasia VIII in E-dur Allegro 01:06
28 Fantasia IX in h-moll Siciliana 01:44
29 Fantasia IX in h-moll Vivace 02:57
30 Fantasia IX in h-moll Allegro 01:35
31 Fantasia X in D-dur Presto 01:37
32 Fantasia X in D-dur Largo 02:08
33 Fantasia X in D-dur Allegro 55
34 Fantasia XI in F-dur Un poco vivace 01:49
35 Fantasia XI in F-dur Soave 01:35
36 Fantasia XI in F-dur Un poco vivace 01:45
37 Fantasia XI in F-dur Allegro 53
38 Fantasia XII in a-moll Moderato 01:55
39 Fantasia XII in a-moll Vivace 01:40
40 Fantasia XII in a-moll Presto 01:01#AN#


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