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理查·史特勞斯:莎樂美終曲,貴人迷等藝術歌曲集 潔西·諾曼 演唱 鄧許泰特 指揮 Jessye Norman sings Strauss: Five Songs

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理查·史特勞斯: 莎樂美終曲, 貴人迷及藝術歌曲集
潔西·諾曼 演唱
克勞斯·鄧許泰特 指揮

This a London Philharmonic Orchestra archive recording, recorded in 1986 under the baton of Principal Conductor Klaus Tennstedt

Soprano Jessye Norman is the star of this live performance. She made many excellent recordings across her distinguished career, but it’s her extraordinary presence in concert and on stage that is inseparable from her powerful and radiant voice.

This live concert recording of Strauss, made in the Royal Festival Hall in 1986, captures Ms Norman in the absolute prime of her career. In a concert programme requiring no shortage of stamina, it finds her in splendid voice, her range on full display throughout seemingly endless sustained vocal lines.

Jessye Norman specialised in the music of Wagner and the late Romantics Mahler and Richard Strauss, and these 5 Strauss songs here receive extraordinarily beautiful interpretations which wonderfully convey the poetry (contained within).

Her Strauss pedigree was established on record in 1983 when she recorded under Kurt Masur (the LPO’s former Principal Conductor) a widely acclaimed Four Last Songs, and she went on to win 5 Grammy Awards and a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.

Ms Norman's luminous and sustained vocal production shines through on this recording, along with her controlled phrasing and her unique ability to both soar over the orchestra and in a moment, dissolve to a beautifully articulated whisper. One critic’s description of her voice as a ‘grand mansion of 1 is particularly apt: ‘it has enormous dimensions, reaching backward and upward. It opens onto unexpected vistas. It contains sunlit rooms, narrow passageways, cavernous halls.’

This release serves as a wonderful testament to one of America’s greatest dramatic sopranos, whose reputation spread beyond the
classical music world. In addition to her concert hall and operatic career, Jessye Norman sang at: the inaugurations of two US Presidents (Reagan in 1985 and Clinton in 1997); Queen Elizabeth II's 60th birthday celebration in 1986; the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution; and the opening ceremony of the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia
(her home state ).

Edward Rothstein writing in The New York Times

1 4 Lieder, Op. 27 2. Cacilie 02:10
2 4 Lieder, Op. 27 1. Ruhe, meine Seele 04:16
3 6 Lieder, Op. 37 3. Meinem kinde 02:40
4 5 Lieder, Op. 41 1. Wiegenlied 05:30
5 8 Gedichte aus 'Letzte Blatter', Op. 10 1. Zueignung 01:39
6 Suite, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme Overture 03:59
7 Suite, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme Minuet 01:30
8 Suite, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme The Fencing Master 01:39
9 Suite, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme Entry and Dance of the Tailors 05:16
10 Suite, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme Lully's Minuet 02:04
11 Suite, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme Courante 02:47
12 Suite, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme Entry of Cleonte 04:06
13 Suite, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme Prelude to Act II 02:55
14 Suite, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme The Dinner 10:07
15 Salome Dance of the Seven Veils 09:17
16 Closing scene from Salome Ah! Du wolltest mich nicht deinen Mund kussen lassen 05:04
17 Closing scene from Salome Nun wohl! Ich lebe noch 06:28
18 Closing scene from Salome Ah! Ich habe deinen Mund gekusst, Jochanaan 04:48#AN#


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