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PChome > 商店街首頁 > 音樂與影片 > 38度C音響唱片有限公司 > ◉Le Chant du Monde

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查特.貝克: 消失的快感 Chet Baker / The Thrill Is Gone (10CD)

一次付清特價 790
3 每期$275 接受25家銀行
6 每期$138 接受25家銀行
12 每期$72 接受25家銀行
15 每期$59 接受6家銀行
24 每期$37 接受13家銀行
信用卡紅利折抵刷卡金 ( 接受17家銀行紅利折抵辦法 )
萊爾富取貨付款 取貨付款
運  費單店購物車滿 2000 元(含)以上免運費,未滿者自付運費
宅配 88
郵局 88
7-11取貨付款 88
全家取貨付款 88
萊爾富取貨付款 60
商品所在地 台北市
加入追蹤加入追蹤 留言版留言版(351)

1. Bernie's Tune
2. Lullaby of the Leaves
3. Utter Chaos No.1
4. Line for Lyons
5. Carioca
6. My Funny Valentine
7. Bark for Barksdale
8. Utter Chaos No.2
9. Nights at the Turntable
10. Frenesi
11. Freeway
12. Soft Shoe
13. Walkin'
14. Aren't You Glad You're You
15. She Didn't Say Yes, She Didn't Say No
16. Haig & Haig
17. Limelight
18. The Lady is a Tramp
19. Turnstile
20. Moonlight in Vermont
21. A Ballad
22. Westwood Walk
23. Walkin' Shoes
24. Rocker
25. Almost Like Being in Love
26. Sextet
27. Broadway

1. Takin' a chance on love
2. Flash
3. Simbah
4. Ontet
5. I can't believe that you're in love with me
6. Lady be good
7. Carson caty stage
8. Cherry
9. Motel
10. Makin' whoopee
11. My old flame
12. All the things you are
13. Love me or leave
14. Swing house
15. Jeru
16. Utter chaos #2
17. Darn that dream
18. I may be wrong
19. I'm beginning to see the light
20. The nearness of you 21 tea for two
21. Winter wonderland
22. Varsity drag
23. Swing house
24. Love me or leave me
25. Half Nelson

1. Speak low
2. Lady bird
3. Isn't it romantic
4. The lamp is low
5. This time the dream's on me
6. Maid in Mexico
7. Imagination
8. Russ job
9. Batter up
10. Easy to love
11. Long ago and far awy
12. Carson city stage
13. No ties
14. Band aid
15. Bea's flat
16. All the things you are
17. Moon love
18. Happy little sunbeam
19. The thrill is gone
20. I fall in love too easily
21. Winter wonderland
22. The thrill is gone
23. Headline
24. Bockhanal
25. Ergo

1. A dandy line
2. Pro defunctus
3. Little old lady
4. Moonlight becomes you
5. Goodbye
6. I married an angel
7. Love walked in
8. A little duet for Zoot & Chet
9. You better go now
10. Blue room
11. Spring is here
12. Why shouldn't I?
13. Trickleydidlier
14. I'm thru with love
15. You don't know what love is
16. But not for me
17. Time after time
18. I get along with you very well
19. There will never be another you
20. Look for the silver lining
21. My funny valentine
22. I fall in love to easily
23. What a difference a day made
24. The wind
25. Love
26. I love you

1. All the things you are
2. Darn that dream
3. Crazy rythm
4. Dot's groovy
5. Tommy Hawk
6. The half dozens
7. Little man you had a busy day
8. Stella by starlight
9. I'm glad there is you
10. This is always
11. Someone to watch over me
12. Grey December
13. I wish I knew

1. Daybreak
2. Just friends
3. I remember you
4. Let's get lost
5. Long ago and far away
6. You don't know what love is
7. Rondette
8. Mid-forte
9. Sad walk
10. Re-search
11. Just duo
12. Piece caprice
13. Pomp
14. The girl from Greenland
15. Brash

1. I'll remember April
2. There's a small hotel
3. These foolish things
4. Lover man
5. Autumn in New York
6. You go to my head
7. Summertime
8. Tenderly
9. Chet
10. Dinah
11. V-line
12. In memory of Dick
13. Alone together

1. Exitus
2. Once in a while
3. All the things you are
4. Everything happens to me
5. Chekeetah
6. How about you?
7. Exitus
8. Dear old Stockholm
9. Speak low
10. Anticipated blues
11. Tasty pudding
12. Cheryl
13. V-line
14. Mythe
15. Not too slow
16. In a little provincial town

1. Lady be good (Alt. Take)
2. Love me or leave me (Alt. Take)
3. Swing house (Alt. Take)
4. Darn that dream (Alt. Take)
5. I may be wrong (Alt. Take)
6. I'm beginning to see the light (Alt. Take)
7. Long ago and far away (Alt. Take)
8. No ties (Alt. Take)
9. Moon love (Alt. Take)
10. The thrill is gone (Alt. Take)
11. Happy little sunbeam (Alt. Take)
12. Winter wonderland (Alt. Take)
13. Bockhanal (Alt. Take)
14. A dandy line (Alt. Take)
15. Little old lady (Alt. Take)
16. Moonlight becomes you (Alt. Take)
17. Goodbye (Alt. Take)
18. A little duet for Zoot & Chet (Alt. Take)
19. You better go now (Alt. Take)
20. You don't know what love is (Alt. Take)
21. Dot's groovy (Alt. Take)
22. Stella by starlight (Alt. Take)
23. Let's get lost (Alt. Take)

1. Chet (Alt. Take)
2. Dinah (Alt. Take)
3. In memory of Dick (Alt. Take)
4. Alone together (Alt. Take 1)
5. Alone together (Alt. Take 2)
6. Exitus (Alt. Quartet Take)
7. All the things you are (Alt. Take)
8. Chekeetah (Alt. Take)
9. How about you? (Alt. Take)
10. Exitus (Alt. Quintet Take 1)
11. Exitus (Alt. Quintet Take 2)
12. Anticipated blues (Alt. Take)
13. Tasty pudding (Alt. Take 1)
14. Tasty pudding (Alt. Take 2)
15. Tasty pudding (Alt. Take 3)
16. Tasty pudding (Alt. Take 4)



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