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琉森音樂節歷史名演(16) 布魯克納 & 亨德密特 貝姆 指揮 Lucerne Festival XVI Karl Bohm / Hindemith & Bruckner

一次付清特價 520
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布魯克納: 第七號交響曲 / 亨德密特: 木管,豎琴及管絃樂的協奏曲
卡爾.貝姆 指揮

Between 1950 and 1980, he was one of the eminent conductors of international standing, and yet in the meantime he has somewhat faded into obscurity: Karl Bohm epitomised the anti-star amongst the great conductors of his time, emphatically at the service of music alone. Now available for the first time are two Lucerne concert recordings made with the Vienna Philharmonic, with whom he was closely associated for decades: Bruckner's Seventh Symphony alongside a buoyant Hindemith concerto (the latter recorded only once by Bohm).

An advocate for contemporary music in his youth, Bohm performed Paul Hindemith's Concerto for Woodwinds, Harp and Orchestra (1949) in Lucerne in the summer of 1970. Cast in three movements, this work offers especially rewarding passages to the five-part concertino grouping and, via a quotation of Mendelssohn's "Wedding March", refers to Hindemith's own silver wedding anniversary.

Alongside symphonic works of Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms and Strauss, Anton Bruckner's symphonies were also at the centre of Bohm's concert repertoire. Bohm's Bruckner interpretations possess a special aura, though he neither follows the pious, pathos-laden manner of Eugen Jochum, nor the solemn worldly style of Sergiu Celibidache, nor the austere and matter-of-fact interpretations of Nikolaus Harnoncourt. This is also demonstrated by the Lucerne concert recording of the Seventh Symphony, made in September 1964: Bohm never loses sight of the whole, but plays out every articulatory detail as notated, with almost scrupulous textual fidelity. He follows Bruckner's block-like editing technique without aggressively emphasising it. He does not evade the solemn monumentality of the music, but he also does not exaggerate it into a sense of false, violent pathos.

The 32-page booklet in three languages contains a portrait of the conductor by Uwe Schweikert alongside previously unpublished photos from the festival archives.

In cooperation with audite, LUCERNE FESTIVAL presents the "Historic Performances" series featuring outstanding concert recordings of artists who have shaped the festival throughout its history. The aim of this CD edition is to rediscover treasures - most of which have not previously been released - from the first six decades of the festival, which was founded in 1938 with a special gala concert conducted by Arturo Toscanini. These recordings have been made available by the archives of SRF Swiss Radio and Television, which has broadcast the Lucerne concerts from the outset. Painstakingly re-mastered and supplemented with photos and materials from the LUCERNE FESTIVAL archive, they represent a sonic history of the festival.

Paul Hindemith (1895–1963)
Concerto for Woodwinds, Harp and Orchestra
1 I. Moderately Fast 8:01
2 II. Grazioso 2:57
3 III. Rondo. Rather Fast 4:34
Anton Bruckner (1824–1896)
Symphony No. 7 in E major, WAB 107
4 I. Allegro moderato 19:40
5 II. Adagio. Sehr feierlich und sehr langsam 22:09
6 III. Scherzo. Sehr schnell – Trio. Etwas langsamer 9:35
7 IV. Finale. Bewegt, doch nicht schnell 11:12

Werner Tripp flute
Gerhard Turetschek oboe
Alfred Prinz clarinet
Ernst Pamperl bassoon
Hubert Jelinek harp
Vienna Philharmonic
Karl Bohm

recorded live at Lucerne Festival
(Internationale Musikfestwochen Luzern)
Previously unreleased#AN#


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