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蕭士塔柯維契:交響曲全集 威格斯沃斯指揮 荷蘭廣播愛樂管弦樂團 Mark Wigglesworth/Shostakovich:The Fifteen Symphonies

建議售價 $3280
一次付清特價 89 折 2950
3 每期$1025 接受25家銀行
6 每期$515 接受25家銀行
12 每期$269 接受25家銀行
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馬克.威格斯沃斯 指揮

Mark Wigglesworth recorded his cycle of Shostakovich's symphonies between 1996 and 2010, collaborating with two different orchestras, the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra and BBC National Orchestra of Wales. In spite of the long gestation and the change of orchestra midway, the cycle was described as one never 'compromising its particular characteristics of high seriousness, fine detailing and a certain fierceness of articulation' (Gramophone). Already the first instalment, Symphony No. 7 'Leningrad', raised expectations, for instance with the reviewer in The Sunday Telegraph: 'There is plenty of competition among Shostakovich cycles, but this one will deserve serious consideration.' And 17 years later, on the release of the final disc, The Guardian could report that 'Wigglesworth's cycle emerges as one of the finest of recent time'.

What particularly impressed reviewers was Mark Wigglesworth's faithfulness to the score and sharp ear for detail, and the structural clarity he achieved even with the most complex works without sacrificing any of their impact and emotional power. Also receiving acclaim throughout the series were the recordings themselves and their superior sound quality, an aspect that has been enhanced even further for this boxed set, now that the five symphonies that were released first, and on CD, have been re-mastered for Surround Sound and SACD to match the rest.
Disc 1
Dmitri Shostakovich
Symphony No.1 in F minor, Op.10 32'24
01 I. Allegretto - Allegro non troppo 8'42
02 II. Allegro - Meno mosso - Allegro - Meno mosso 5'11
03 III. Lento - Largo - Lento - 8'30
04 IV. Allegro molto - Lento - Allegro molto - Meno mosso - Allegro molto - Adagio - Largo - Piu mosso - Presto 10'01
Symphony No.2 in B flat major (To October), Op.14 20'24
05 Largo - 5'37
06 Fig.13 (152) - Poco meno mosso - Allegro molto - 1'47
07 Fig.29 (152) - Meno mosso - Moderato - 5'36
08 Fig.69 Chorus: 'My shli, my prosili raboty i khleba' 7'24
Symphony No.3 in E flat major (The First of May), Op.20 28'16
09 Allegretto - Piu mosso - 3'44
10 Piu mosso - Meno mosso - 1'35
11 Allegro - 3'50
12 Andante - Meno mosso - Lento - 4'55
13 Allegro - Poco meno mosso - Allegro molto - Meno mosso - 5'29
14 Andante - Largo - 3'23
15 Moderato. Chorus: 'V pervoye Pervoye maya' 5'20

Disc 2
Symphony No.4 in C minor, Op.43 66'43
01 I. Allegro poco moderato 29'26
02 II. Moderato con moto 8'45
03 III. Largo - Allegro 28'32

Disc 3
Symphony No.5 in D minor, Op.47 52'16
01 I. Moderato 19'41
02 II. Allegretto 5'32
03 III. Largo 15'34
04 IV. Allegro non troppo 11'29
Symphony No.6 in B minor, Op.54 30'51
05 I. Largo 17'34
06 II. Allegro 6'04
07 III. Presto 7'13

Disc 4
Symphony No.7 in C major (Leningrad), Op.60 79'19
01 I. Allegretto 29'16
02 II. Moderato (poco allegretto) 12'15
03 III. Adagio, Trio 19'08
04 IV. Allegro non troppo 18'40

Disc 5
Symphony No.8 in C minor, Op.65 69'51
01 I. Adagio 29'10
02 II. Allegretto 7'00
03 III. Allegro non troppo 6'47
04 IV. Largo 10'35
05 V. Allegretto 16'19

Disc 6
Symphony No.9 in E flat major, Op.70 25'04
01 I. Allegro 5'39
02 II. Moderato 6'09
03 III. Presto 3'02
04 IV. Largo 3'11
05 V. Allegretto - Allegro 7'03
Symphony No.14, Op.135 57'00
06 De profundis 5'49
07 Malaguena 2'52
08 Loreley 9'16
09 The Suicide 7'26
10 On the Watch 3'15
11 Madam, look! 2'08
12 In the Sante Prison 11'23
13 The Zaporozhian Cossacks' Answer to the Sultan of Constantinople 2'09
14 O Delvig, Delvig! 5'06
15 The Poet's Death 5'46
16 Conclusion 1'50

Disc 7
Symphony No.10 in E minor, Op.93 56'42
01 I. Moderato 26'04
02 II. Allegro 4'14
03 III. Allegretto - Largo - Piu mosso 13'10
04 IV. Andante - Allegro - L'istesso tempo 13'14

Disc 8
Symphony No.11 (The Year 1905), Op.103 63'40
01 I. The Palace Square 16'27
02 II. The Ninth of January 19'49
03 III. In memoriam 12'18
04 IV. The Tocsin 15'06

Disc 9
Symphony No.12 in D minor (The Year 1917), Op.112 37'56
01 I. Revolutionary Petrograd 13'02
02 II. Razliv 10'25
03 III. Aurora 3'56
04 IV. The Dawn of Humanity 10'33

Symphony No.15 in A major, Op.141 46'46
05 I. Allegretto 9'05
06 II. Adagio - Largo - Adagio - Allegretto 15'44
07 III. Allegretto 4'36
08 IV. Adagio - Allegretto - Adagio - Allegretto 17'21

Disc 10
Symphony No.13 in B flat minor (Babi Yar), Op.113 62'20
01 I. Babi Yar. Adagio 16'18
02 II. Humour. Allegretto 8'29
03 III. In the Store. Adagio 12'13
04 IV. Fears. Largo 12'11
05 V. A Career. Allegretto 13'09

Album total 730'04#AN#


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