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和諧的迴音(蘇利文爵士歌曲) (2CD) 瑪莉貝文 Mary Bevan / The Harmonious Echo-Songs by Arthur Sullivan

一次付清特價 520
3 每期$181 接受25家銀行
6 每期$91 接受25家銀行
12 每期$48 接受25家銀行
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宅配 88
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瑪莉.貝文 女高音
凱蒂.懷特利 女中音
班.強生 男高音
阿什利.里奇斯 低男中音
大衛.歐文.諾里斯 鋼琴

Although most widely remembered for his operettas in partnership with W.S. Gilbert, Sir Arthur Sullivan was the most famous of all British composers of the nineteenth century. He was revered as a composer of oratorios, and was urged by Queen Victoria to compose a grand opera. The result, Ivanhoe, achieved 155 consecutive performances (in an opera house especially built for it).

Achieving equal success in his lifetime, his substantial legacy of songs fell into neglect in the twentieth century, but as this album demonstrates Sullivan's endlessly fertile melodic gifts withstand comparison with those of any other song composer. David Owen Norris and his quartet of outstanding young British singers deliver this fascinating programme with terrific style and panache.
CD 1
1.King Henry's Song (1877) * 2:23
('Youth will needs have dalliance')
with Chorus ad libitum
from incidental music to Henry VIII (1613)
by William Shakespeare (1564-1616) and John Fletcher (1579-1625)
Andante moderato
2. The Lady of the Lake (1864) ? 3:25
from Kenilworth, 'A Masque of the Days of Queen Elizabeth', Op.4
(or The Masque at Kenilworth) (1864)
Libretto by Henry Forthergill Chorley (1808-1872)
Allegro grazioso
3. I heard the nightingale (1863) ? 2:59
Dedicated to his Friend Captain C.J. Ottley
Allegretto moderato
4. Over the roof (1864) ? 3:04
from the opera The Sapphire Nacklace, or the False Heiress
Libretto by Henry Fothergill Chorley
Allegretto moderato
5. Will He Come? (1865) § 4:05
Dedicated to The Lady Katherine Coke
Composed expressly for Madame Sainton Dolby
Moderato e tranquillo - Quasi Recitativo -
Tranquillo un poco piu lento
6. Give (1867) ? 4:56
Composed and affectionately dedicated to Mrs Helmore
Allegretto - Un poco piu lento - Lento
7. Thous art weary (1874) § 5:00
Allegro vivace e agitato - Piu lento -
Allegro Tempo I - Piu lento - Allegro. Tempo I -
Stringendo il tempo - Piu lento - Slower
8. The moon in silent brightness (1868) ? 2:21
Andante quasi Allegretto
9. O fair dove! O fond dove! (1868) § 4:35
To Miss Rachel Scott Russell
Allegro moderato - Un poco piu lento -
Tempo I - Un poco piu lento - Tempo I - Andante
10. The snow lies white (1868) ? 3:04
('It's O my love, my love!")
Dedicated to The Lady Edith Ferguson
Composed expressly for Mr Sims Reeves
Allegro moderato - Un poco meno mosso -
Animato - Un poco meno mosso - Tempo I
11. Looking Back (1870) * 4:34
Composed expressly for and dedicated to Madame Trebelli
[ ] - Un poco piu lento e con molta tenerezza - Tres largement
12. Looking Forward (1873) * 6:32
Sequel to Looking Back
Allegro moderato - Quasi Recitativo - A tempo Allegro -
Piu tranquillo - Lento, con molto espressione
Total time: 46:58

1. The Maiden's Story (1867) ? 4:19
Composed and dedicated to Mrs Quintin Twiss
Allegro moderato - A tempo piu lento - Piu lento
2. Living Poems (1874) § 3:42
Dedicated to the Countess of Shrewsbury
Composed expressly for Miss Edith Wynne
Allegretto non troppo vivo - Un poco piu lento
3. The Sailor's Grave (1872) ? 4:57
Moderato - Maestoso
4. Let me dream again (1875) § 4:57
Composed expressly for Madame Christine Nilsson
Andante espressivo - Un poco piu lento -
[Tempo I] - Un poco piu lento
5. Other Days (late 1890s) * 3:04
Allegretto - A tempo un poco lento - Tempo I
6. Little Maid of Arcadee (1871) § 2:54
from the operetta Thespis, or The Gods Grown Old
Libretto by Sir William Schwenck Gilbert (1836-1911)
Allegretto moderato
7. The Distant Shore (1874) § 4:32
Allegro comodo - Animato - Slower
8. The love that loves me not (1875) ? 3:07
Dedicated to Mrs D.B. Grant
Andante moderato ed espressivo
9. A Shadow (1884) ? 3:58
Composed expressly for Madame Patey
10. The Lost Chord (1877) § 4:15
Andante moderato - Grandioso
11. The Absent-Minded Beggar (1899) 5:44
with Chorus ad libitum
llegro moderato ed energico. Tempo di Marcia - Tempo giusto
Total time: 45:29
Solo: Mary Bevan soprano ?
Solo: Kitty Whately mezzo-soprano §
Solo: Ben Johnson tenor ?
Solo: Ashley Riches bass-baritone *
Solo: David Owen Norris piano#AN#


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