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塔碧亞.齊瑪曼 中提琴獨奏專輯第二集 巴哈/庫泰格 Tabea Zimmermann Solo II Bach & Kurtag

建議售價 $655
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塔碧亞.齊瑪曼 中提琴獨奏專輯第二集 (巴哈:第3.4號大提琴無伴奏組曲改編集/庫泰格:給中提琴的訊息選曲)
塔碧亞.齊瑪曼 中提琴

"We need Bach's music, regardless of the instrument" – Tabea Zimmermann
Ten years after her acclaimed album "Solo" with the first two cello suites of Johann Sebastian Bach, violist Tabea Zimmermann now sets her sights on Suites Nos. 3 and 4. She pairs them with excerpts from Gyorgy Kurtag's cycle "Games, Signs & Messages", selecting six numbers to form her own personal homage to Bach.

For what kind of instruments did Bach write his solo suites BWV 1007-1012? How did they sound, what did they look like? This subject still gives rise to much speculation. Johann Peter Kellner's manuscript copy from the early 1700s is one of the two main sources for the six solo suites, and it indicates a viola basso. The violoncello had not yet become standardized in terms of size, construction, and playing technique; Bach probably had instruments in mind such as the violoncello piccolo or the viola da spalla. The latter was a viola attached in front of the body by a strap: Bach performed the viola da spalla in public himself – possibly these suites. Tabea Zimmermann has not switched her musical hardware for this recording: here she plays her 1980 Vatelot viola with a classical bow.

In 2009, the album "Solo" (MYR003) launched Tabea Zimmermann's collaboration with the myrios classics label. The release was crowned with a multitude of international awards: Gramophone Editor's Choice, "Stern des Monats" in Fono Forum, 4f in Telerama and 5 Stars in the Italian magazine Musica; moreover, in response to that groundbreaking recording, the jury of the coveted German ECHO Klassik Prize selected Tabea Zimmermann as "2010 Instrumentalist of the Year".


1. Bach, J.S.: Cello Suite No. 3 in C major, BWV1009, I. Prelude
2. Bach, J.S.: Cello Suite No. 3 in C major, BWV1009, II. Allemande
3. Bach, J.S.: Cello Suite No. 3 in C major, BWV1009, III. Courante
4. Bach, J.S.: Cello Suite No. 3 in C major, BWV1009, IV. Sarabande
5. Bach, J.S.: Cello Suite No. 3 in C major, BWV1009, V. Bourree I & II
6. Bach, J.S.: Cello Suite No. 3 in C major, BWV1009, VI. Gigue
7. G. Kurtag: "Signs, Games and Messages" for viola - No. 6, Panaszos nota (Klagendes Lied)
8. G. Kurtag: "Signs, Games and Messages" for viola - No. 7, Kromatikus feleselos (Zank-Kromatisch)
9. G. Kurtag: "Signs, Games and Messages" for viola - No. 15, Doloroso – Garzulyeknak
10. G. Kurtag: "Signs, Games and Messages" for viola - No. 9, Nepdalfele (Im Volkston)
11. G. Kurtag: "Signs, Games and Messages" for viola - No. 22, ...Eine Blume fur Tabea...
12. G. Kurtag: "Signs, Games and Messages" for viola - No. 20, In Nomine – all'ongherese (Damjanich emlekko)
13. Bach, J.S.: Cello Suite No. 4 in E flat major, BWV1010, I. Prelude
14. Bach, J.S.: Cello Suite No. 4 in E flat major, BWV1010, II. Allemande
15. Bach, J.S.: Cello Suite No. 4 in E flat major, BWV1010, III. Courante
16. Bach, J.S.: Cello Suite No. 4 in E flat major, BWV1010, IV. Sarabande
17. Bach, J.S.: Cello Suite No. 4 in E flat major, BWV1010, V. Bourree I & II
18. Bach, J.S.: Cello Suite No. 4 in E flat major, BWV1010, VI. Gigue#AN#


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