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皮亞佐拉 新潮探戈! 布宜諾斯艾利斯的音樂 Piazzolla: Nuevo Tango! (3CD)

建議售價 $878
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(3CD)皮亞佐拉 新潮探戈! 布宜諾斯艾利斯的音樂
塔貝亞.齊瑪曼 中提琴
裴瑞亞涅斯 鋼琴
帕布羅.麥内帝 手風琴

A century closer to immortality
"The soundtrack of Buenos Aires" is how Astor Piazzolla characterised his own work, informed by years of study first with Alberto Ginastera in Argentina, and later with Nadia Boulanger in Paris. Innovator or guardian of tradition? That's only one of the questions settled with the release of this boxed set, marking the hundredth anniversary of the composer's birth: by bringing together essential examples of his ?uvre, this collection immerses the listener in a soundscape perfectly balanced between classical techniques and tango tradition. These intoxicating masterpieces receive captivating readings by a team of preeminent performers who are keen champions of Piazzolla's emblematic legacy.
Concerto for bandoneon, strings and percussion
1 I. Allegro marcato 6'49
2 II. Moderato 7'38
3 III. Presto 7'00
Edizioni Curci, S.r.l. - Milano
Pablo Mainetti, bandoneon
Orquestra de Cambra Teatre Lliure
Josep Pons, conductor

Histoire du tango for flute and guitar
4 Bordel 1900 3'46
5 Cafe 1930 6'12
6 Nightclub 1960 5'08
7 Concert d'aujourd'hui 2'44
Editions Lemoine, 1986
Ccile Daroux, flute
Pablo Marquez, guitar

Tres movimientos tanguisticos porteños
8 I. Allegretto 6'48
9 II. Moderato 8'30
10 III. Vivace 3'56
Editions Pagani / SEEMSA - Madrid
Orquestra de Cambra Teatre Lliure
Josep Pons, conductor

1 Libertango1 4'56
Edizioni Curci, S.r.l. – Milano
London Concertante
2 Decarissimo2 2'43
Pablo Mainetti, bandoneon
Orquestra de Cambra Teatre Lliure
Josep Pons, conductor
3 Michelangelo 703 3'02
SADAIC Latin Copyrights / SDRM
London Concertante
4 Milonga del Angel2 6'04
5 La muerte del Angel2 2'53
Pablo Mainetti, bandoneon
Orquestra de Cambra Teatre Lliure
Josep Pons, conductor
6 Resureccion del Angel4 7'29
Tonos Music
7 Escualo4 3'32
Tonos Music
Ann Hobson Pilot, harp
Lucia Lin, violin
J. P. Jofre, bandoneon
8 Invierno porteño2 6'53
Pablo Mainetti, bandoneon
Orquestra de Cambra Teatre Lliure
Josep Pons, conductor
9 Valsisimo5 5'33
Tonos Music
Ann Hobson Pilot, harp
Lucia Lin, violin
J. P. Jofre, bandoneon
10 Soledad (from Tango ballet)3 4'43
S.I.A.E. Direzione Generale / SDRM
London Concertante
11 Tango-suite: Tango No. 3 for flute and two guitars 6'47
Editions Berben, 1985
Cecile Daroux, flute
Pablo Marquez, guitar I
Leonardo Sanchez, guitar II
12 Adios nonino2 8'14
Pablo Mainetti, bandoneon
Orquestra de Cambra Teatre Lliure
Josep Pons, conductor

1 Le Grand Tango 12'20
Tabea Zimmermann, viola
Javier Perianes, piano
Six Tangos-Etudes for solo flute
2 I. Decide 2'42
3 II. Anxieux et rubato 6'49
4 III. Molto marcato e energico 3'06
5 IV. Lento meditativo 3'15
6 V. — 1'46
7 VI. Avec anxiete 3'35
Editions Lemoine, 1987
Cecile Daroux, flute
8 III. Molto marcato e energico (for solo violin) 2'59
Henry Lemoine
Lucia Lin, violin
9 Los pajaros perdidos (Mario Trejo) 2'36
Edizioni Curci S.r.l., Milano
Bernarda Fink, mezzo-soprano
Carmen Piazzini, piano
10 Jacinto Chiclana (Jorge Luis Borges) 2'43
Marcos Fink, bass-baritone
Carmen Piazzini, piano
11 El titere (Jorge Luis Borges) 2'21
Editorial Pigal S.A.I.C., Buenos Aires
Bernarda Fink, mezzo-soprano
Carmen Piazzini, piano
Five pieces for solo guitar
12 I. Campero 4'06
13 II. Romantico 4'22
14 III. Acentuado 3'16
15 IV. Triston 4'17
16 V. Compadre 3'13
Editions Berben
Pablo Marquez, guitar
17 Oblivion for alto flute, bandoneon, guitar and double bass 3'44
Editions Tonos, 1984
Cecile Daroux, flute
Leonardo Sanchez, guitar
Juan Jose Mosalini Jr, bandoneon
Mauricio Angarita, double bass#AN#


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