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雅克拜手抄本 布拉格1600年 楊.奇茲馬 魯特琴/吉他 Jan Cizmar / Codex Jacobides / Praga circa 1600

建議售價 $650
一次付清特價 89 折 580
3 每期$202 接受25家銀行
6 每期$102 接受25家銀行
12 每期$53 接受25家銀行
15 每期$43 接受6家銀行
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雅克拜手抄本 布拉格1600年
楊.奇茲馬 魯特琴/吉他
埃里斯卡·特薩羅娃 演唱

Recorded in the Domovina Studio, Prague, 11, 18, 21, 25 and 28 November, 2019.

The lute, undoubtedly the most popular instrument of European townsfolk and aristocrats in the 16th and 17th centuries, was widely played in Prague during the reign of Emperor Rudolf II. A manuscript of lute tablatures known as the Codex Jacobides was in all likelihood written by a musically gifted student of the Prague University in the early 17th century. It features notations of period dances, intabulations of songs, and vocal polyphonic secular and sacred pieces; miniatures of German, English, French, Italian, Polish and Spanish provenience. Extremely intriguing are the intabulations of vocal villanelle by Jacob Regnart, who served as Kapellmeister at Rudolf II's court in Prague. Originally set to German texts, these pieces had found their way from Prague Castle to the city beneath, where – furnished with Czech lyrics – they lived a life of their own. The Codex Jacobides also contains works by Michael Praetorius, John Dowland and Jean Planson. Jan Cizmar studied the lute in London and The Hague with true masters (J. Lindberg, N. North, J. Held, M. Fentross, C. Pluhar), and today he is a sought-after soloist and chamber musician, performing worldwide. On the album, eight string instruments of various sizes and tunings are heard in a number of combinations, occasionally accompanied by a flute or lute ensemble and voice. Affording a taste of the music performed in Prague under Rudolf II, the CD is a true delicacy for connoisseurs and all music lovers alike.

Lute music that during the reign of Rudolf II was played in Prague streets and taverns, as well as at the local university.

PRAGA circa1600
1. Stephan Laurentius Jacobides – Praeambulum 0:57
2. Imbric. Galliarda 1:07
3. Ich ging einmal spatziren. Allemanda 0:51
4. Paduana 1:07
5. Prenons garde mignon 1:03
6. Frisch auff mein liebes tochter 1:18
7. Passamezzo antico – Saltarello 2:28
8. Praeludium Salomon 0:36
9. Courante 1:13
10. ‘Saltarella' 0:58
11. Die Soldaten sindt aller Ehren werdt 1:15
12. Galliarda 1:24
13. Tantz – Saltarella 1:03
14. Fantasia 2:11
15. Jacob Regnart? – Coelestium 1:22
16. Jacob Regnart? – Jesu tu nobis influas 2:11
17. Passamezzo moderno – Saltarello 3:39
18. Praeludium 1:02
19. Paduana Hispanica 1:02
20. Jacob Regnart – Jungfrau euer Wankelmut 0:44
21. Jacob Regnart – Lieb mich als ich dich 0:40
22. Jacob Regnart – Ohn' dich mus ich mich aller Freuden massen 1:18
23. Tantz 0:34
24. Tantz Herr von Teltz 0:24
25. Ungerischen Tantz 0:48
26. Sarabanda Maris 2:50
27. Michael Praetorius – Bransle simple 1:55
28. Michael Praetorius – Bransle gay 2:49
29. Entree de Luth 0:54
30. Coranta 1:09
31. Orlandi 1:19
32. Coranta 1:13
33. Coranta 0:40
34. Coranta 0:28
35. Coranta 0:54
36. Praeludium 0:42
37. Je scai felici 0:41
38. La bergere 0:39
39. Hoscana 0:59
40. O Nachbar Roland 0:59
41. John Dowland – My Lord Willoughby’s Welcome Home 1:22
42. Ennemond Gaultier? – Sarabanda de Gautier 3:39
43. Stephan Laurentius Jacobides – Praeambulum 1:19
44. Jean Planson – La Rousee du joly mois de may 4:21#AN#


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