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38度C 嚴選新貨
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PChome > 商店街首頁 > 音樂與影片 > 38度C音響唱片有限公司 > ♛發燒 配件&線材

獲得現金積點:19 (1點=1元) 說明

GN Records Turntable Setup & Test Record

GN Records Turntable Setup & Test Record
一次付清特價 1900
3 每期$660 接受25家銀行
6 每期$332 接受25家銀行
12 每期$174 接受25家銀行
15 每期$140 接受6家銀行
24 每期$89 接受13家銀行
信用卡紅利折抵刷卡金 ( 接受17家銀行紅利折抵辦法 )
萊爾富取貨付款 取貨付款
運  費單店購物車滿 2000 元(含)以上免運費,未滿者自付運費
宅配 88
郵局 88
7-11取貨付款 88
全家取貨付款 88
萊爾富取貨付款 60
商品所在地 台北市
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This new setup record comes from the GN Records. 180g vinyl Turntable Setup & Test Record
(Serial number GNR-011) offers an interesting tool for a vinyl setup. I'll try to get my hands on the copy and write more.
The TURNTABLE SETUP & TEST RECORD is a powerful tool able to do all the tests as never been before by other vinyl records made.
The special vinyl allows to set up the turntable perfectly, it is a power tool for audiophile enthiusiast and for professional both.

1) Channel Test - It allows to verify the left and the right channel are correctly setup

2) Balance Test - It allows to verify the audio system is well balanced. As more the signal is strictly in the center of the two loudspeakers as more the audio system is correctly balanced.

3) Phase Test - It allows to indentify the phase of the audio system. In out of phase mode the sound comes from all around the room without any apparent focus. In Phase mode the audio signal must be stably focus in the center of the two loudspeakers.
Moving the speakers incrementally; the more focus obtained in phase mode the less focus you have out of phase.

4) 300Hz +12dB Tracking and Anti Skate test - EASY - it is an easy signal to read for the turntable. The best is read the best the turntable is setup.

5) 300Hz +14dB Tracking and Anti Skate test - NORMAL - it is an standard signal to read for the turntable. The best is read the best the turntable is setup.

6) 300Hz +16dB Tracking and Anti Skate test - MEDIUM - it is an slightly difficult signal to read for the turntable. The best is read the best the turntable is setup.

7) 300Hz +18dB Tracking and Anti Skate test - HARD - it is an hard signal to read for the turntable. The best is read the best the turntable is setup.

8) 300Hz -10dB Pink Noise for Channel Balance Test - The Pink Noise is a full bandwidth signal allows to feel well the balance audio signal.


1) 3150Hz -10dBtest Tone - The 3150Hz stable signal allows to test the turntable's tone ability. The audio signal must be strictly stable. As more the signal is stable all over the length of the track as more lower the wow and flutter is.

2) Anti Skate track - It allows to adjust the anti skate force to keep the tone arm stably balanced where ever positioned into the track. If the tone arm tends to move towards the center of the record increase the anti skate force. If the tone arm tends to move backward towards the perimeter of the record, reduce the anti skate force till the arm is stably blocked where it is laid.

3) 3000Hz -10dBtest Tone - The 3000Hz is the second stable signal allows to test the turntable's tone ability. The audio signal must be strictly stable as much as the 3150Hz track. As more the signal is stable all over the length of the track as more lower the wow and flutter is.#AN#


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